Generations by Jean M. Twenge

Key Takeaways:

  • Jean M. Twenge explores the unique characteristics of six American generations.
  • Analyzes data from 39 million people to show the impact of technology on generational differences.
  • Highlights key shifts in attitudes toward gender, income, politics, race, and more.
  • Challenges the conventional theory that major events define generations.
  • Offers insights into how generational differences can foster understanding and connection.


Generations by Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D., presents a comprehensive and data-driven exploration of the six generations currently living in the United States.

Twenge, a professor of psychology, uses extensive survey data to illustrate how technology, more than major historical events, shapes the unique characteristics of each generation.


Generations by Jean M. Twenge

Twenge’s book delves into the distinct traits of the Silents, Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and the emerging Polars. By analyzing data from nearly a century, she uncovers how technological advancements have influenced generational attitudes and behaviors.

The book covers various aspects of life, including gender roles, income disparities, political views, and mental health trends, offering a nuanced understanding of how and why each generation differs.

Critical Analysis:

Twenge’s approach is both informative and engaging, making complex data accessible to a broad audience. She effectively challenges the notion that generational differences stem mainly from significant events, instead highlighting the pervasive influence of technology.

The book’s strength lies in its empirical foundation, which provides a solid basis for Twenge’s conclusions. However, some readers might find the detailed data analysis overwhelming, though it significantly contributes to the book’s credibility.

Generations by Jean M. Twenge
Generations by Jean M. Twenge
Generations by Jean M. Twenge


Generations has sparked meaningful conversations about the dynamics at play in U.S. society. It encourages readers to appreciate generational differences and consider how these differences shape interactions within families, workplaces, and communities.

Twenge’s insights into technology’s role in these changes are particularly relevant in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Generations by Jean M. Twenge


Compared to Twenge’s previous works, Generation Me and iGen, this book offers a broader perspective by examining all six generations together.

It stands out for its thorough analysis and broader societal implications, similar to the scope of studies found in The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt.

About the Author:

Generations by Jean M. Twenge

Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University with a prolific career in research.

Her work has been featured in major media outlets, and she has authored several influential books on generational differences.

Generations by Jean M. Twenge

This book is essential for anyone looking to understand the profound shifts in attitudes towards gender, income, politics, race, and mental health across generations.

Don’t miss this eye-opening read that will change the way you view generational dynamics forever.

Pick up your copy at Amazon


Generations is a groundbreaking and essential read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of generational dynamics in America. Twenge’s blend of rigorous data analysis and engaging narrative provides a fresh perspective on how technology shapes our lives and relationships across generations.

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